Gul horisont (mens jeg drømte, voksede græsset mellem mine tæer og sandet løb ud af mine hænder), 2024
Crops in catawampus stance. Clues appropriated helter-skelter. As various crops with agricultural relevance are essential to sustaining human and animal life through winter, time not only points directions but also stands still. In the dark, millions of creatures move, awakening from seasonal predictions. Amalie Vestergaard Olsen draws inspiration from ways to understand and predict natural phenomena. Before the era of scientific forecasting, people turned to folklore, mythological stories, and symbolic creatures to explain the cycles of nature. This historical reliance on understanding and predicting natural phenomena, rooted in our deep-seated need for comprehension, underscores the urgency and importance of environmental science and the need for its continued study.
The final sheaf of hay or grain harvested was often revered. In some cultures, the last bundle of hay was believed to contain the spirit of the field and was kept as a good luck charm or even sacrificed in certain rituals. The exhibition delves into how nature fights against the global climate shift due to human interaction. Let's levity guide our way while we dance our mood to banishment. Simmering parkour of creatures in plain sight, bouching, immobile, in dire need of sulfur. So easy to burn.
Text by Lars Nordby
Crops in catawampus stance. Clues appropriated helter-skelter. As various crops with agricultural relevance are essential to sustaining human and animal life through winter, time not only points directions but also stands still. In the dark, millions of creatures move, awakening from seasonal predictions. Amalie Vestergaard Olsen draws inspiration from ways to understand and predict natural phenomena. Before the era of scientific forecasting, people turned to folklore, mythological stories, and symbolic creatures to explain the cycles of nature. This historical reliance on understanding and predicting natural phenomena, rooted in our deep-seated need for comprehension, underscores the urgency and importance of environmental science and the need for its continued study.
The final sheaf of hay or grain harvested was often revered. In some cultures, the last bundle of hay was believed to contain the spirit of the field and was kept as a good luck charm or even sacrificed in certain rituals. The exhibition delves into how nature fights against the global climate shift due to human interaction. Let's levity guide our way while we dance our mood to banishment. Simmering parkour of creatures in plain sight, bouching, immobile, in dire need of sulfur. So easy to burn.
Text by Lars Nordby
Heerz Tooya
Veliko Turnovo, Bulgarien, September, 2024
Kurator: Lars Nordby
Foto: Alina Vergnano
Produceret med støtte fra:
OCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway
Kulturdirektoratet - Arts and Culture Norway
Veliko Turnovo, Bulgarien, September, 2024
Kurator: Lars Nordby
Foto: Alina Vergnano
Produceret med støtte fra:
OCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway
Kulturdirektoratet - Arts and Culture Norway