Amalie Vestergaard Olsen (b. 1990, Denmark)
Currently based in Oslo, Norway.
Member of NBK and UKS
2018-2020: MFA, The Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art, University of Bergen (KMD), Norway
2015-2018: BFA, The Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art, University of Bergen (KMD), Norway
2014-2015: VERA – School of Art and Design, Copenhagen, Denmark
Solo exhibitions
2024: Gul horisont (mens jeg drømte, voksede græsset mellem mine tæer og sandet
løb ud af mine hænder), Heerz Tooya, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
2024: Revesøvn, Kolbotn Garasje Galleri (KGG), Kolbotn, Norway
2022: Om natten maner vi frem, Springbrættet 6A, Copenhagen, Denmark
2022: Vise til de søvnløse og andre trætte sjæle, Vandrestaven Udstillingspunkt, Oslo, Norway
2021: Til Nationalmuseet, Galleri Blunk, Trondheim, Norway
2021: Similar to the energy of the sun, Mikey Laundry Art Garden, Bergen, Norway
2020: Endless Miseducation, Bananaz, Oslo, Norway
2018: Intet nyt er godt nyt, Galleri Toll, Stockholm, Sweden
2018: The security blanket of doubts and fears, Galleri Flaggstang, Bergen, Norway
2017: A bitch called Harold, duo show with Kaare Ruud, Galleri Bokboden, Bergen, Norway
2017: An Artist’s Guide, duo show with Sigrid Lerche, Galleri Fisk, Bergen, Norway
Selected group shows
2024: Når naturen kalder - sansemøder på Vibevadgaard, Roskilde, Denmark
2024: Østlandsutstillingen, Kunstbanken senter for samtidskunst, Hamar, Norway
2024: Forårsudstillingen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg , Copenhagen, Denmark
2023: Kunst på Ruinen, Søborg Slotsruin, Gilleleje, Denmark
2023: Viriditas - Det mystiske i kunst, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2022: Statens Høstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
2021: Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
2021: Afterschool Special, Landmark, Bergen, Norway
2021: 24,50, Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen, Denmark
2020: GK — 1:1 Pt 2*, Gyldenpris Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
2020: MA2020, graduation show, KODE, Bergen, Norway
2020: Windows, Vandreudstilling, Bergen, Norway
2020: Hjorten Skulpturpark, Stockholm, Sweden
2019: GIFC, Galleri Golsa, Oslo, Norway
2019: Ministoll skulpturpark, Konsthall 323, Stockholm, Sweden
2019: MAKE ME - DESTROY ME, USF Verftet, Bergen, Norway
2018: Group Hug No.1, Low Standards Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2018: Nowhere Now Here, BFA graduation show, Bergen, Norway
2018: Between the Lines - #metoo, KHiO, Oslo, Norway
2017: Unfolding words, Bergen Hovedbibliotek, Bergen, Norway
2017: Statens Høstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
2017: ON THE ROAD, Gallery CLB, Berlin, Germany
2016: Prøverommet, Østre, Bergen, Norway
Public commissions
2022: Dagens Lys, Åfjord Helsesenter, Åfjord, Norway
Curatorial projects
2022: Læner mig ømt mod natten, group show, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Other projects
2024: Water Bodies & Landforms, site-specific exhibition and performance w. Carlsen & Hooge, curated by Along Projects, Copenhagen and Hundested, Denmark
2024: Steder vi møtes, interdisciplinary collaboration w. performers Mohamed Mohamed, Angelle Khachik, Pigalle, Oslo, Norway
2024: Project funding for newly establish artists, Arts Council Norway
2024: Diversestipend, Oslo municipality, Norway
2023: Two-year working grant, Statens kunstnerstipend, Art Council Norway
2022: One year working grant, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond (BKV), Norway
2021: Project funding for newly establish artists, Arts Council Norway
2021: One year working grant, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond (BKV), Norway
2020: Krisestipend, BOA, Oslo municipality, Norway
2020: Diverse-stipend, grant for newly establish artists, Art Council Norway
2024: ARV.International, Vishovgrad, Bulgaria
2024: Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad, Bohuslän, Sweden
2021: NKD, Nordic Artists’ Centre in Dale, Norway
2021: Bygda 2.0, Stokkøya, Norway